Belinda Blignaut Antibody 

Belinda Blignaut was working on a series of works about body piercings when we collaborated on Antibody. It was printed on light-sensitive lith film, and Blignaut laid scalpels, needles and sutures onto the film before exposing it to UV light. Once developed and fixed, the transparent film pages allow the viewer to look through one or a few pages simultaneously. Blignaut made the covers from aluminium and carefully sutured the cuts made into it. The book was produced in a limited edition of 30 and was included in her first solo exhibition Antibody which was held at Everard Read Contemporary in 1993. The book is sold out.

Below are links to the artists' books that are currently available from The Artists' Press:

Joanne of Ark (Flip Hattingh)

The Ultimate Safari (Nadine Gordimer, various artists)

GIF 4 (Various artists)

To take a look at the archive of books produced by The Artists' Press please follow the links below, these books are not available from us.

Qauqaua  (Coex'ae Qgam, Kuru Art Project)

Another Day in Paradise (Various artists)

Portage (William Kentridge)

Breathe (William Kentridge)

Remembering the Treason Trial (William Kentridge)

Pocket Drawings (William Kentridge)

Learning the Flute (William Kentridge)

Libretto (William Kentridge)

GIF 1 (Various artists)

GIF 2 (Various artists)

GIF 3 (Various artists)

In Praise of Bristlecone Pines (Rita Deanin Abbey)

Patrick Cullinan, Selected Poems 1961 - 1991 (Patrick Cullinan, Judith Mason)JUST 30 WORDS (INTERLINEARY)

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