Kg’akg’am Tshabu was born in the town of Ghanzi, Botswana in the early 1960s. As a young girl, she took care of her younger sister after her mother passed away, leaving her father with four children. Her father worked as cattle herder at a cattle post on one of the freehold farms in the district. Later she moved to D’Kar where she now lives. Tshabu joined the Kuru Art Project in 2005.
Kg’akg’am Tshabu enjoys working in a variety of media and has a fine sense of colour and contrast. Her subject matter varies between traditional San life and the natural environment. She portrays these in her work with a firm sense of composition.
Tshabu says that being an artist has given her confidence. Witnessing the way she works and her absorption in what she is doing gives one the sense that she has found a solid positive place to be. Of all the Kuru artists Kg’kga’am Tshabu enjoyed the monoprinting process the most. She was able to take the medium and make it her own. Her confidence and a strong sense of colour and form combined well with subtleties that she achieved in overlaying areas. Wiping out areas of ink and applying layers of colour was a new and exciting way of working for her.
Find out more about the Kuru Art Project
Artists A - L (listed by surname)
Artists M - X (listed by surname)
For orders (with free shipping) or any other enquiries, please contact us.
Title: My Mother's House I
Medium: Monoprint
Size: 65 x 50 cm
Title: My Mother's House II
Medium: Monoprint
Size: 65 x 50 cm
Price: R 5 450 (excl. VAT)
Title: My Mother's House III
Medium: Monoprint
Size: 65 x 50 cm
Price: R 5 450 (excl. VAT)
Title: My Mother's House IV
Medium: Monoprint
Size: 65 x 50 cm
Title: My Mother's House V
Medium: Monoprint
Size: 65 x 50 cm
Title: My Mother's House VI
Medium: Monoprint
Size: 65 x 50 cm
Title: My Mother's House VII
Medium: Monoprint
Size: 65 x 50 cm
Price: R 5 450 (excl. VAT)
Title: Kori Bustards and Kgóm Berries I
Medium: Monoprint
Size: 50 x 65 cm
Title: Kori Bustards and Kgóm Berries II
Medium: Monoprint
Size: 50 x 65 cm
Title: Kori Bustards and Kgóm Berries III
Medium: Monoprint
Size: 50 x 65 cm
Title: Kori Bustards and Kgóm Berries IV
Medium: Monoprint
Size: 50 x 65 cm
Title: Kori Bustards and Kgóm Berries V
Medium: Monoprint
Size: 50 x 65 cm
Title: Kori Bustards and Kgóm Berries VI
Medium: Monoprint
Size: 50 x 65 cm
Title: Kori Bustards and Kgóm Berries VII
Medium: Monoprint
Size: 50 x 65 cm
Title: Kudu and calf with tchábá I
Medium: Monoprint
Size: 50 x 65 cm
Title: Kudu and calf with tchábá II
Medium: Monoprint
Size: 50 x 65 cm
Title: Kudu and calf with tchábá III
Medium: Monoprint
Size: 50 x 65 cm
Title: Kudu and calf with tchábá IV
Medium: Monoprint
Size: 50 x 65 cm
Title: Giraffe and Kalahari Cucumber I
Medium: Monoprint
Size: 50 x 65 cm
Title: Giraffe and Kalahari Cucumber II
Medium: Monoprint
Size: 50 x 65 cm
Title: Giraffe and Kalahari Cucumber III
Medium: Monoprint
Size: 50 x 65 cm
Title: Giraffe and Kalahari Cucumber IV
Medium: Monoprint
Size: 50 x 65 cm
Price: R 5 450 (excl. VAT)
Title: Giraffe and Kalahari Cucumber V
Medium: Monoprint
Size: 50 x 65 cm
Click on the links below to see work by other artists from The Kuru Art Project: